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    title        = {A longitudinal database of Irish political speech with annotations of speaker ability},
    author       = {Cullen, Ailbhe and Harte, Naomi},
    year         = 2018,
    month        = jun,
    journal      = {Lang. Resources {\&}. Evaluation},
    publisher    = {Springer Netherlands},
    volume       = 52,
    number       = 2,
    pages        = {401--432},
    doi          = {10.1007/s10579-017-9401-z},
    issn         = {1574-0218},


The Irish Political Speech Database in an English language database which contains recordings of politicians in a range of settings. The database spans 7 years (2006-2012) and contains speech from a single speaker.

Four speech settings are included in the database: parliamentary discussions; election rallies; interviews; and inter-party conferences. Recordings are primarily collected from online sources such as YouTube and the digital archives of the Irish Parliament. This introduces a large variability, both in the format and resolution of recordings, and in the range of noise and reverberation conditions encountered. However, it also ensures that all expressions are authentic.

Annotations have been crowd-sourced for six attributes:

  • Boredom
  • Charisma
  • Enthusiasm
  • Inspiration
  • Likeability
  • Persuasion

Thus the database may be used to explore the evolution of speaking style over time, and to automatically predict these six attributes from the speech.